Coming: New Churchill Phrase Index in My Next Quotebook

Coming: New Churchill Phrase Index in My Next Quotebook

New title, new index

A new Phrase Index of Churchill quotes is part of a expand­ed new fifth edi­tion of my quo­ta­tions book, Churchill by Him­self: In His Own Words.

Pub­lished by Hills­dale Col­lege Press, the new edi­tion will car­ry a brand new title in keep­ing with its far greater con­tent. Ear­li­er edi­tions con­tained 3500 entries; they now total over 5000. Many new ones derive from The Churchill Doc­u­ments from 1942 to 1965, also pub­lished by Hills­dale. The pre­lim­i­nary proofs total 736 pages, with­out the index­es. We expect about 800 pages, some 150 more than before. More com­pre­hen­sive than ever, the index­es are the work of award-win­ning index­er Do Mi Stauber.

The pop­u­lar Phrase Index was intro­duced with the third edi­tion, Churchill in His Own Words, in 2011. The idea was to assist read­ers in locat­ing famous (and not so famous) quips and quotes that are not indexed by their best-known words. For exam­ple, “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat” is in Chap­ter I, “Immor­tal Words,” but the Phrase Index speeds the read­er to its page by index­ing it under the “Bs.”

Previous Phrase Index still available

The 2011 edi­tion, “Churchill by Him­self” (Ebury Press / Ran­dom House)

The 2011 Phrase Index was a great asset in quick­ly find­ing the quo­ta­tion read­ers require. Aside from obvi­ous lines from the great war speech­es, it con­tains some 500 famous and obscure Churchill phras­es. They range alpha­bet­i­cal­ly from “Abdul­lah is in Tran­sjor­da­nia where I put him” to “Zion­ism, my heart is full of sym­pa­thy for….”

The pag­i­na­tion of the third edi­tion did not change. (We found only one quote which had to be removed as fic­ti­tious.) So the cur­rent, Third Edi­tion Phrase Index can also be used with ear­li­er edi­tions enti­tled Churchill By Him­self. For a copy please con­tact me.

The index also dou­bles as a handy quick expo­sure to Churchill’s humor and wis­dom. Browse through the entries and you’re sure to find some that are either famil­iar enough, or intrigu­ing enough, that you’ll want to look up the exact words, date and place.

If, even with this tool, you still can’t find what you are look­ing for, please con­tact me.

“Red Herrings”

The most pop­u­lar appen­dix, famous quo­ta­tions Churchill nev­er said, is like­wise expand­ed in the new vol­ume. How­ev­er, I keep it up to date in four parts on this web­site. There are over 200 now. You will find Part 1 here.

“The Biblical Churchill”

First Amer­i­can Edi­tion, 2008. (Pub­lic Affairs Inc.)

Adding the fif­teen-page Phrase Index to Churchill By Him­self in 2011 meant delet­ing some­thing, since we want­ed to retain the pag­i­na­tion. So we delet­ed a pre­vi­ous Appen­dix, “The Bib­li­cal Churchill.”

“The Bib­li­cal Churchill” will return as an appen­dix in the new expand­ed edi­tion, along with sev­er­al oth­er new appen­dices. Mean­while, the com­plete text is avail­able in three parts:

1: “His Largest Sin­gle Source of Quotations.”

2: “A House of Many Mansions.”

3: “Be Ye Men of Valour.”

Anoth­er new appen­dix is “Hearsay Doesn’t Count: Churchill’s Racist Epi­thets are Extreme­ly Rare.” As in its appear­ance in the Hills­dale pub­li­ca­tion Grand Alliance, this essay will be ful­ly footnoted.

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