Coming: New Churchill Phrase Index in My Next Quotebook
New title, new index
A new Phrase Index of Churchill quotes is part of a expanded new fifth edition of my quotations book, Churchill by Himself: In His Own Words.
Published by Hillsdale College Press, the new edition will carry a brand new title in keeping with its far greater content. Earlier editions contained 3500 entries; they now total over 5000. Many new ones derive from The Churchill Documents from 1942 to 1965, also published by Hillsdale. The preliminary proofs total 736 pages, without the indexes. We expect about 800 pages, some 150 more than before. More comprehensive than ever, the indexes are the work of award-winning indexer Do Mi Stauber.
The popular Phrase Index was introduced with the third edition, Churchill in His Own Words, in 2011. The idea was to assist readers in locating famous (and not so famous) quips and quotes that are not indexed by their best-known words. For example, “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat” is in Chapter I, “Immortal Words,” but the Phrase Index speeds the reader to its page by indexing it under the “Bs.”
Previous Phrase Index still available

The 2011 Phrase Index was a great asset in quickly finding the quotation readers require. Aside from obvious lines from the great war speeches, it contains some 500 famous and obscure Churchill phrases. They range alphabetically from “Abdullah is in Transjordania where I put him” to “Zionism, my heart is full of sympathy for….”
The pagination of the third edition did not change. (We found only one quote which had to be removed as fictitious.) So the current, Third Edition Phrase Index can also be used with earlier editions entitled Churchill By Himself. For a copy please contact me.
The index also doubles as a handy quick exposure to Churchill’s humor and wisdom. Browse through the entries and you’re sure to find some that are either familiar enough, or intriguing enough, that you’ll want to look up the exact words, date and place.
If, even with this tool, you still can’t find what you are looking for, please contact me.
“Red Herrings”
The most popular appendix, famous quotations Churchill never said, is likewise expanded in the new volume. However, I keep it up to date in four parts on this website. There are over 200 now. You will find Part 1 here.
“The Biblical Churchill”

Adding the fifteen-page Phrase Index to Churchill By Himself in 2011 meant deleting something, since we wanted to retain the pagination. So we deleted a previous Appendix, “The Biblical Churchill.”
“The Biblical Churchill” will return as an appendix in the new expanded edition, along with several other new appendices. Meanwhile, the complete text is available in three parts:
1: “His Largest Single Source of Quotations.”
2: “A House of Many Mansions.”
Another new appendix is “Hearsay Doesn’t Count: Churchill’s Racist Epithets are Extremely Rare.” As in its appearance in the Hillsdale publication Grand Alliance, this essay will be fully footnoted.