Month: January 2017

Churchill and the Avoidable War: Outline

Churchill and the Avoidable War: Outline

Was the war really avoidable? Yes, it was—at Munich in particular—but with great difficulty. No one can underestimate the problems in the way. And yet, tantalizing opportunities existed. "Appeasement" is not in "Churchill and the Avoidable War." It is far over-used, and broadly misunderstood. It is not popular, Churchill wrote, "but appeasement has its place in all policy." There are lessons in Churchill's Avoidable War that serve us well today. Will we listen? We rarely have.

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Tech Start-Ups: Dan Lyons’ Eye-Opener

Tech Start-Ups: Dan Lyons’ Eye-Opener

Because my son works in Sil­i­con Val­ley, and has start-up expe­ri­ence both as an employ­ee and a founder, I found this book of inter­est and devoured it in three nights. It’s the sto­ry of a jour­nal­ist who, at 52, tries his hand as a tech mar­keter, and is grave­ly shocked and dis­ap­point­ed with the cul­ture he dis­cov­ers in a start-up tech firm with hun­dreds of employ­ees and bazil­lions in ven­ture capital. . Dis­rupt­ed: My Mis­ad­ven­ture in the Start-Up Bub­ble, by Dan Lyons. Hachette Books, $15.16 from Ama­zon, Kin­dle $13.99.  . Tech morphs con­stant­ly; human­i­ty nev­er changes. I book­marked descrip­tions which remind­ed me of peo­ple my son has described—and peo­ple I’ve met in my own career, which is as far away as it gets from the Sil­i­con Val­ley tech world.…

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