Month: May 2011

“Nothing to Hide”: The Truth about Churchill’s Naked Encounter

“Nothing to Hide”: The Truth about Churchill’s Naked Encounter

Stark naked

Churchill (step­ping naked from his bath): “The Prime Min­is­ter of Great Britain has noth­ing to hide from the Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States.” **

[Also quot­ed as: “You see, Mr. Pres­i­dent, I have noth­ing to hide.”]

Churchill alleged­ly said this dur­ing his vis­it to the White House in Decem­ber-Jan­u­ary 1941.  The Japan­ese had attacked Pearl Har­bor and Amer­i­ca was in the war.  The encounter was con­firmed by Churchill’s body­guard, Wal­ter Thomp­son, and one of his sec­re­taries, Patrick Kin­na. On the strength of their com­ments I includ­ed it as “like­ly” in Churchill By Himself.

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Comparisons: American Thinker’s Robert Morrison was Not Thinking

Comparisons: American Thinker’s Robert Morrison was Not Thinking

In a May 10th piece on the Amer­i­can Thinker web­site, author Robert Mor­ri­son asserts that a) Pres­i­dent Oba­ma is no Churchill; b) Hitler, who in 1940 was ready “to para­chute 10,000 com­man­dos on Lon­don,” was rather scari­er than Osama bin Laden; c) Oba­ma, who dis­likes Churchill for the tor­ture of his grand­fa­ther in Kenya, “tossed” the bust of Churchill from the Oval Office; and d) “spilt his guts” to the media about the OBL operation.

Quot­ing Churchill’s famous remark that when he became Prime Min­is­ter he felt as if he “were walk­ing with des­tiny,” Mor­ri­son writes: “I want my pres­i­dent to have con­cerns, but not fears.…

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