Movies and Churchill: Hillsdale College, Michigan, 24-28 March 2019
Movies at Hillsdale
In 1927, Winston Churchill wrote to his wife Clementine, “I am becoming a film fan.” He installed projection equipment for movies at Chequers, the country home of British prime ministers, in 1943, and at his family home Chartwell in 1946.
“Churchill and the Movies” is the final event by Hillsdale’s Center for Constructive Alternatives in the 2018-19 academic year. It explores two movies regarded as Churchill’s favorites and two biographical movies in historical context. My lecture addresses Henry Vwith Laurence Olivier. We will discuss Churchill’s understanding of Shakespeare, and application of the lessons of The Bard’s plays.
The venue for this event is the Searle Center, which seats 800. It includes a new spacious entrance and lobby and a completely renovated kitchen. The facility also boasts an escalator, the first one in Hillsdale County.For current information click here.
In 2019, Hillsdale completes the final volume of Churchill’s official biography. The largest biography in history, it began under Randolph Churchill, fifty-six years ago. Hillsdale also houses the Sir Martin Gilbert Papers, and sponsors Churchill seminars, publications, tours and online courses. Though located in Michigan, Hillsdale is certified as a charity by Revenue Canada as well as the IRS.
In 2014 I joined joined Hillsdale College as Senior Fellow for the Churchill Project, an endowed, permanent center for Churchill Studies. The culmination of my Churchill work over the years, it is an honor to be associated with this preeminent institution. I have now been with its students on many occasions. Inspiring work. I have never met such uniformly learned, thoughtful young people, able to converse on, and seriously to debate, a myriad of topics. They give us the feeling that Churchill was right: Never despair. There is hope yet.
We, the students of Hillsdale College, commit ourselves to diligent study and patient reflection. Having come to learn, we are proud to do so with integrity and will conduct ourselves with exemplary honor. As sacrifices past and present make possible our education, we too become stewards of this College for the generations yet to come. We pledge ourselves to the pursuit of truth, the love of the good, and the cultivation of beauty, for the sake of our minds and hearts and for an ennobled society. By so doing, we embrace the high calling of liberal education.
2 thoughts on “Movies and Churchill: Hillsdale College, Michigan, 24-28 March 2019”
Yes, that’s the other top favorite, aka “Lady Hamilton.”
Last week I saw the movie “That Hamilton Woman” and recalled that this was one of Churchill’s favorite movies. He was even involved with director Corda about the script etc. Am I correct on this ?
I loved the movie and I know Churchill saw it many times.
2 thoughts on “Movies and Churchill: Hillsdale College, Michigan, 24-28 March 2019”
Yes, that’s the other top favorite, aka “Lady Hamilton.”
Last week I saw the movie “That Hamilton Woman” and recalled that this was one of Churchill’s favorite movies. He was even involved with director Corda about the script etc. Am I correct on this ?
I loved the movie and I know Churchill saw it many times.
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