Churchill +144: Perspective of History, Ottawa, 30 November 2018

Churchill +144: Perspective of History, Ottawa, 30 November 2018

Post­ed by the Sir Win­ston Churchill Soci­ety of Ottawa.

Ottawa, Nov 30—

Richard M. Lang­worth CBE, spoke to the Sir Win­ston Churchill Soci­ety of Ottawa. The venue was Earn­scliffe, the Res­i­dence of the British High Com­mis­sion­er. The sub­ject was “Win­ston Churchill, 144 Years On: The Per­spec­tive of History.ˮ

Lang­worth is a lead­ing writ­ers on Sir Win­ston. In 1968 he found­ed the Churchill Study Unit and its jour­nal, Finest Hour. In 1982 he res­ur­rect­ed the jour­nal from inac­tiv­i­ty and edit­ed it for thir­ty-five years. Five years ago he joined Hills­dale Col­lege (in Hills­dale, Michi­gan) as Senior Fel­low for the Churchill Project, an endowed, per­ma­nent cen­ter of Churchill Stud­ies in North Amer­i­ca. In 1998, Richard was appoint­ed by Her Majesty the Queen as a Com­man­der of the Order of the British Empire. His cita­tion was “for ser­vices to Anglo-Amer­i­can rela­tions and the mem­o­ry of Sir Win­ston Churchill.ˮ

In 2019, Hills­dale com­pletes the thir­ty-first and final vol­ume of Churchill’s offi­cial biog­ra­phy. The project began under Sir Win­ston’s son, Ran­dolph Churchill, fifty-sev­en years ago. Hills­dale also hous­es the Mar­tin Gilbert Papers and spon­sors Churchill sem­i­nars, pub­li­ca­tions, tours and online cours­es. And despite its Michi­gan loca­tion, Hills­dale main­tains a Cana­di­an link via its recog­ni­tion by our CRA.

* * *

“Along the wayˮ Richard pub­lished the first Amer­i­can edi­tion of Churchill’s 1931 vol­ume India (1990) and the extreme­ly scarce and oth­er­wise inac­ces­si­ble 1924 essay Shall We Com­mit Sui­cide? (1994). Lat­er he pro­duced ten more Churchill books. They include: A Connoisseur’s Guide to the Books of Sir Win­ston Churchill (1998). Churchill by Him­self (2008). The Defin­i­tive Wit of Win­ston Churchill (2009). The Patriot’s Churchill (2010). All Will Be Well: Good Advice from Win­ston Churchill (2011). Churchill in His Own Words (2012). Churchill and the Avoid­able War (2015). Win­ston Churchill: Myth and Real­i­ty (2016). His cur­rent project is expand­ing Churchill by Him­self by adding hun­dreds of new quo­ta­tions. Many were inspired by his work with the Hills­dale volumes.

Richard and Bar­bara Lang­worth have host­ed eleven Churchill Tours in Eng­land, Scot­land, France and Aus­tralia (1983-2008) and were Churchill spe­cial­ist book­sellers (1984-2004). In March Lang­worth will lec­ture at Hills­dale on “Churchill and the Movies.ˮ Next June he is a speak­er on the Hills­dale Col­lege cruise around Britain.

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