Red Herrings (Not Churchill’s Words): Cruise Ships and Dogfights

Red Herrings (Not Churchill’s Words): Cruise Ships and Dogfights

1) Cruise ships: no women and children first?

It’s all over the Web. And entire­ly bogus.

After his  retire­ment, goes the sto­ry, Churchill was cruis­ing the Mediter­ranean on an Ital­ian lin­er and a jour­nal­ist asked why a for­mer Prime Min­is­ter chose Ital­ian ships. “There are three things I like about Ital­ian cruise ships,” Churchill sup­pos­ed­ly says. “First, their cui­sine is unsur­passed. Sec­ond, their ser­vice is superb. And then, in time of emer­gency, there is none of this non­sense about women and chil­dren first.”

Amus­ing to some, this is anath­e­ma to oth­ers, includ­ing rel­a­tives of the Cos­ta Con­cor­dia pas­sen­gers and many embar­rassed Ital­ians. It is NOT any­thing ever said by Win­ston Churchill. Nei­ther this quo­ta­tion nor key words from it can be found in dig­i­tal scans of Churchill’s twen­ty mil­lion pub­lished words in books, arti­cles, speech­es and pri­vate papers. It did appear in a book of pur­port­ed Churchill quotes which—as invari­ably is the case when red her­ring quo­ta­tions are dragged out—provides nei­ther author­i­ty nor attribution.

Inci­den­tal­ly, it is entire­ly out of char­ac­ter. No one was more gal­lant toward woman and chil­dren than WSC. Nor can I find any record of Churchill cruis­ing on Ital­ian ships. Churchill didn’t take such cruis­es. He pre­ferred ships that were small­er and more pri­vate. Say as about 325 feet—like the Onas­sis yacht Christi­na O, which took him on eight cruis­es between 1958 and 1963.

So who said it?

Some attribute the ships remark to Noël Cow­ard, but read­er Nel­son Brid­well referred me to the Quote Inves­ti­ga­tor, which tracks it to trav­el writer Hen­ry J. Allen in 1917.

A Cal­i­for­nia con­gress­woman igno­rant­ly com­pared the sink­ing of the Cos­ta Con­cor­dia with that of the Titan­ic 100 years ear­li­er. That is his­tor­i­cal­ly inane, a dis­ser­vice to the British crew­men of 1912, and the Ital­ians who strug­gled to save lives on the Cos­ta Con­cor­dia in 2012.

Churchill’s words to his wife about the Titan­ic serve equal­ly to show how impos­si­ble would be his sup­posed remarks about Ital­ian ships:

The strict obser­vance of the great tra­di­tions of the sea towards women and chil­dren reflects noth­ing but hon­our upon our civ­i­liza­tion…. I can­not help feel­ing proud of our race and its tra­di­tions as proved by this event. Boat loads of women and chil­dren toss­ing on the sea—safe and sound—and the rest Silence. Hon­our to their memory.

(Of course, WSC has been blamed for the sink­ing of the Titan­ic, too.)

2) Dogfight under a carpet

Churchill alleged­ly com­pared Russ­ian pol­i­tics to a “dog­fight under a car­pet.” It was men­tioned in The Econ­o­mist of 17 Novem­ber 2005: “Like watch­ing dogs fight­ing under a car­pet, was how Churchill described Russ­ian pol­i­tics. On Novem­ber 14th the car­pet stirred, when Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin announced that Dmit­ry Medvedev was to become first deputy prime min­is­ter.” It seems to be fair­ly well known. Can you give me the exact quote and a cita­tion? —P.C.

The Econ­o­mist was unhelp­ful, pro­vid­ing no attri­bu­tion, and not even a byline by which one could query the author. Unlike the ships remark, it sounds a bit like him. How­ev­er, I can­not locate any source. We searched the same com­pi­la­tion as for the ships quotation—books, arti­cles, speech­es and pub­lished papers. “Dog­fight” gets ten hits, all refer­ring to aer­i­al war­fare. “Car­pet” has 264 hits but none close to the quo­ta­tion. “Under the car­pet” draws a blank. With­out fur­ther infor­ma­tion, we have to con­clude this is unsubstantiated.

Coming up: Churchill: Master of Language

“Red her­rings” are every­where, in dig­i­tal and print media, with no attri­bu­tion what­so­ev­er. Com­ing soon from Hills­dale Col­lege Press, my new, expand­ed edi­tion of Churchill by Him­self con­tains near­ly 200 of these, which Churchill either nev­er said, or denied saying.

You can, how­ev­er, refer to the Red Her­rings Appen­dix of the new book right now. I keep the ever-expand­ing list up to date in four posts start­ing here.

Further reading

“God, San­tayana, Mus­so and Not Get­tng Scup­pered,” 2024.

“Clem in the Gents, Huns at Your Throat,” 2024.

“Democ­ra­cy, Life, Liv­ing, Ene­mies,” 2024.

“All the Quotes Win­ston Churchill Nev­er Said” (Part 1), updat­ed. (Parts 2-3-4 are linked.)

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