Churchill Myth and Reality at Nashville, Oct. 14th

Churchill Myth and Reality at Nashville, Oct. 14th

Nashville, Tenn., October 2017

The Churchill Soci­ety of Ten­nessee held its autumn ban­quet pro­gram in Nashville on the evening of Sat­ur­day Octo­ber 14th. Our guest speak­er, Richard M. Lang­worth, CBE dis­cussed “Win­ston Churchill: Cur­rent Con­tentions.” Some 200 mem­bers and friends attended.

Resid­ing in Moul­ton­bor­ough, New Hamp­shire and Eleuthera, Bahamas, Lang­worth is a writer and pub­lish­er of works on Win­ston S. Churchill and auto­mo­tive his­to­ry. His newest book is Win­ston Churchill, Myth and Real­i­ty: What He Actu­al­ly Did and Said (McFar­land, August).

Churchill Works

Lang­worth is also author or edi­tor of A Connoisseur’s Guide to the Books of Sir Win­ston ChurchillChurchill in His Own WordsChurchill By Him­self and nine oth­er books about Churchill. In 1991 he pub­lished the first Amer­i­can edi­tion of Win­ston Churchill’s rare 1931 col­lec­tion of speech­es, India.

Richard found­ed the Churchill Study Unit (1968), serv­ing as pres­i­dent, and pres­i­dent of its suc­ces­sors the Inter­na­tion­al Churchill Soci­ety and Churchill Cen­tre (1988–99). In 2000-06 he was chair­man of its board of trustees. He was edi­tor of the Churchill jour­nal Finest Hour from 1968 to 1970 and 1982 to 2014, and edi­to­r­i­al con­sul­tant to the Nation­al Churchill Muse­um in 2011-15. Since 2014, he has been Senior Fel­low for the Churchill Project at Hills­dale Col­lege, which is com­plet­ing Churchill’s offi­cial biography.

In 1998, he was cre­at­ed a Com­man­der of the Most Excel­lent Order of the British Empire (CBE) by HM The Queen for ser­vices to Anglo-Amer­i­can under­stand­ing and history.


The author of fifty books and 2000 arti­cles about clas­sic cars, Richard was edi­tor of The Packard Cor­morant from 1975 through 2001, and is a Trustee of the Packard Motor­car Foun­da­tion (Detroit). His works have won awards from the Antique Auto­mo­bile Club of Amer­i­ca, Soci­ety of Auto­mo­tive His­to­ri­ans, Old Cars Week­ly, The Packard Club and the Graph­ic Arts Asso­ci­a­tion of New Hamp­shire. He is also edi­tor of The Rain­bow Times, pub­li­ca­tion of the Rain­bow Bay Asso­ci­a­tion on Eleuthera.

For cur­rent Ten­nessee events con­tact John H. Math­er MD, Pres­i­dent Churchill Soci­ety of Ten­nessee, 1015 West Main Street, Franklin, TN 37064. Tel: (240) 353-6782. Email: [email protected]

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