Category: Automotive
Absent Friends: Dave Brownell, Randy Mason, Don Peterson
Brooks Stevens: The Seer Who Made Milwaukee Famous
Collector Car Values: Clunkers and Others—A Sampler
Why Packard Failed (2): The End of the Road, 1954-56
Why Packard Failed (1): Patrician and Its Relatives 1951-53
Packard Tales and Memories of Bud Juneau
Clarence B. “Bud” Juneau, the Packard Club’s longtime Vice President for publications, passed away March 25th, leaving his many friends bereft. This was my contribution to a special edition of The Packard Cormorant, Fourth Quarter 2021, published in his honor. —RML
Memories of BudBud Juneau gave me my first real job. I don’t mean “work,” the things we do for some entity which pays us. I mean what we do individually, hoping for pay and solely responsible for success or failure. For me, this began with Bud.
In 1975 I resigned as senior editor at Automobile Quarterly and set out to be an independent motoring writer.…
Sean Connery Remembered: James Bond and His Motorcars (Update)
The Red Phone in the Bond flat gives its loud, distinctive jangle. It’s the Chief of Staff. “At once, please, James. Special from ‘M.’ Something for everyone. Crash dive and ultra hush. If you’ve got any dates for the next few weeks, better cancel them. You’ll be off tonight.”
The archetypal, irreplaceable 007 In 2020 Sean Connery, the original James Bond, died at 90 at his home in Nassau. “He’s one of the few actors on the planet I truly mourn,” a friend writes. “He was great man and dignified, and stayed that way his whole life.”…