The Churchill Copyright
To answer frequently asked questions, here are the rules governing copyright to the books, articles, speeches and papers of Winston S. Churchill. (Updated 2024.)
1. Non-Commercial Use
The copyright in Sir Winston Churchill’s papers, literary works were not part of the 1995 purchase by the British Government. They remain (under his will) the property of his family, except where separately assigned. There is no charge for reproduction for academic research. Certain educational or non-profit organizations such as the Hillsdale College Churchill Project have the right to reproduce (with acknowledgement) copyright material without charge.
2. Commercial Use
In the usual way, any use of copyright material for commercial publication requires a license. Curtis Brown Ltd, the UK literary agents, issue this license. They handle the copyright of the Churchill Estate. The fee varies depending on the scale and importance of the publication involved. The charge for educational use is substantially reduced. Certain early works may now fall into public domain.
For enquiries regarding commercial use of the Churchill copyright contact Curtis Brown Ltd. Or visit to their website, fill in the form and send it to the ‘Churchill Permissions’ email address indicated there and above. It takes 4-6 weeks to process requests.
My comments on the 1995 acquisition of the Churchill Papers are here.… (“The Largest Single Private Repository of Recent British History”).
Copyright: related reading
“The Churchill Papers Flap is Back: Old Kerfuffles Die Hard,” 2011
“In April 1995 Boris Johnson, then a columnist for the Daily Telegraph, deplored the £12.5 million purchase of Churchill Papers for the nation. The lottery-supported National Heritage Memorial Fund, said Johnson, was frittering away money on pointless projects and benefiting Tory grandees. Johnson added: ‘…seldom in the field of human avarice was so much spent by so many on so little …’ The Memorial Fund replied that a national heirloom might otherwise be sold outside the country.”