Tag: Finest Hour

Churchill’s “Visual Philosophy”: All the Curtis Hooper Prints

Churchill’s “Visual Philosophy”: All the Curtis Hooper Prints

Read­ers please note, Jason Hoop­er, the late Cur­tis Hooper’s son (see his note in com­ments below) is inter­est­ing in sell­ing some of his father’s fine pieces.  He asks me to pass this along to any­one who may be inter­est­ed. He may be reached by email: [email protected]. RML

Exhibited at Hillsdale College

In the 1970s, Sarah Churchill was involved in the com­mer­cial pub­li­ca­tion of a series of twen­ty-eight intaglio draw­ings by Cur­tis Hoop­er enti­tled, “A Visu­al Phi­los­o­phy of Sir Win­ston Churchill.”  The draw­ings were based upon famous Churchill pho­tographs and Sarah sup­plied suit­able quo­ta­tions for each.…

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The Churchill Copyright

The Churchill Copyright

To answer fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions, here are the rules gov­ern­ing copy­right to the books, arti­cles, speech­es and papers of Win­ston S. Churchill:

1. Non-Com­mer­cial Use

The copy­right in Sir Win­ston Churchill’s papers, lit­er­ary works and those papers of which he was the author, did not form part of the 1995 pur­chase by the British Gov­ern­ment, but remains (under the terms of Sir Winston’s will) the prop­er­ty of his fam­i­ly, except where it has been sep­a­rate­ly assigned. No charge is made in the case of repro­duc­tion for aca­d­e­m­ic research. Cer­tain edu­ca­tion­al or non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions such as the Hills­dale Col­lege Churchill Project are grant­ed the right to repro­duce (with acknowl­edge­ment) copy­right mate­r­i­al with­out charge.…

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