Churchill-Syria Analogies: A “Syrious” Situation
Interesting Churchill-Syria hits on Google Alerts for September 8th:
Will Durst, in “Pied Piper of the Potomac” (Summit Daily):
Everyone pretends not to be knee-deep in the icky, tricky, sticky Syria situation. You might say Washington is in a Semi-Syrious mode right now. And a Semi-Not-So-Syrious mode. Simultaneously. Because this whole affair is riddled with enigmas and mysteries enough to make Winston Churchill spin his conundrums right off. And rumor has it, he harbored huge conundrums.
He has that right. I don’t know if Will Durst is a Churchillian, but he certainly has Churchill’s knack for coining words. “Syrious” ranks with Churchill’s “purblind worldlings”—the kind of people he often wished to “destrigulate.” A lot of them are in Washington.
Washington Post columnist and graduate Churchillian Charles Krauthammer appeared September 6th on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show. Hewitt compared the present-day United States to the one Churchill spoke of in 1943 at Harvard (“the price of greatness is responsibility”). Attitudes about America’s role in the world are far different today than Churchill had espoused back then, Hewitt said.
Krauthammer cautioned against comparing World War II to Syria:
There is a difference of scale….That was an existential struggle where the future of civilization was surely in the balance. It could be that Syria will develop into a World War I-like world conflict, but that is fairly unlikely right now. It is not a conflict in which the existence of ways of life is at stake.
Read the link if you need to know what Krauthammer would do. As to what Churchill would do….please.
I will, however, offer a piece of Churchillian advice from 1946, which may be applicable. He was talking about the Russians, but it applies as well to Iran, Syria and that ilk:
From what I have seen of our Russian friends and Allies during the war, I am convinced that there is nothing they admire so much as strength, and there is nothing for which they have less respect than weakness, especially military weakness….You can only deal with them on the following basis…by having superior force on your side on the matter in question—and they must also be convinced that you will use—you will not hesitate to use—those forces, if necessary, in the most ruthless manner….