Help Hillsdale Educate on Behalf of Liberty
Hillsdale College Asks Your Help…
These free online courses cover topics such as Winston Churchill, the Constitution, American history, free market economics, and more. Well over a million people have already taken at least one course.
Why do we make our online courses available at no charge? Because education on behalf of liberty is our mission. We don’t want to turn away any citizen who is willing to learn because of financial need.
Hillsdale’s motto is “Pursuing Truth and Defending Liberty Since 1844.” We believe that learning and liberty are closely connected.
Pursuing Truth
Will you consider supporting Hillsdale’s courses and our other educational outreach by giving a gift of any amount to the College today? This is especially important as we close out our fiscal year in a strong financial position.
Our goal is to raise $300,000 by June 30, and we can only reach it with your help.
Please give by clicking on this secure page.
Thank you for helping Hillsdale teach any citizen willing to learn.
Warm regards,
Hillsdale Churchill Project
The Churchill Project serves to propagate a right understanding of Churchill’s record. Its goal is to teach statesmanship, through its academic resources at all levels from undergraduate to online courses.
Since 2006 Hillsdale College Press has been publisher of Winston S. Churchill, the official biography, including its eight biographic and nineteen (to date) document volumes through 2017. The Churchill Project will complete the remaining volumes of The Churchill Documents, bringing to over thirty volumes what is already the longest biography in history.
The Churchill Project is also the archive for the papers of Sir Martin Gilbert, Churchill’s official biographer from 1968 to 2012. And it will promote Churchill scholarship through national conferences, scholarships, online courses, and an endowed faculty chair. Through these endeavours, Hillsdale College will establish itself at the forefront of Churchill research, scholarship, and analysis.
For more information please visit The Churchill Project website. There you may subscribe for frequent updates of articles and videos, and news of seminars and educational programs.