Help Hillsdale Educate on Behalf of Liberty

Help Hillsdale Educate on Behalf of Liberty

Hillsdale College Asks Your Help…

In response to grow­ing demand, Hills­dale Col­lege is mak­ing an archive of our pop­u­lar free online cours­es. It’s our hope that any cit­i­zen who wish­es to learn can take advan­tage of the teach­ing that takes place on Hillsdale’s cam­pus every day.

These free online cours­es cov­er top­ics such as Win­ston Churchill, the Con­sti­tu­tion, Amer­i­can his­to­ry, free mar­ket eco­nom­ics, and more. Well over a mil­lion peo­ple have already tak­en at least one course.

Why do we make our online cours­es avail­able at no charge? Because edu­ca­tion on behalf of lib­er­ty is our mis­sion. We don’t want to turn away any cit­i­zen who is will­ing to learn because of finan­cial need.

Hillsdale’s mot­to is “Pur­su­ing Truth and Defend­ing Lib­er­ty Since 1844.” We believe that learn­ing and lib­er­ty are close­ly connected.

Pursuing Truth

Will you con­sid­er sup­port­ing Hillsdale’s cours­es and our oth­er edu­ca­tion­al out­reach by giv­ing a gift of any amount to the Col­lege today? This is espe­cial­ly impor­tant as we close out our fis­cal year in a strong finan­cial position.

Our goal is to raise $300,000 by June 30, and we can only reach it with your help.

Please give by click­ing on this secure page.

Thank you for help­ing Hills­dale teach any cit­i­zen will­ing to learn.

Warm regards,

Lar­ry P. Arnn
Pres­i­dent, Hills­dale College

Hillsdale Churchill Project

The Churchill Project serves to prop­a­gate a right under­stand­ing of Churchill’s record. Its goal is to teach states­man­ship, through its aca­d­e­m­ic resources at all lev­els from under­grad­u­ate to online courses.

Since 2006 Hills­dale Col­lege Press has been pub­lish­er of Win­ston S. Churchill, the offi­cial biog­ra­phy, includ­ing its eight bio­graph­ic and nine­teen (to date) doc­u­ment vol­umes through 2017. The Churchill Project will com­plete the remain­ing vol­umes of The Churchill Doc­u­ments, bring­ing to over thir­ty vol­umes what is already the longest biog­ra­phy in history.

The Churchill Project is also the archive for the papers of Sir Mar­tin Gilbert, Churchill’s offi­cial biog­ra­ph­er from 1968 to 2012. And it will pro­mote Churchill schol­ar­ship through nation­al con­fer­ences, schol­ar­ships, online cours­es, and an endowed fac­ul­ty chair. Through these endeav­ours, Hills­dale Col­lege will estab­lish itself at the fore­front of Churchill research, schol­ar­ship, and analysis.

For more infor­ma­tion please vis­it The Churchill Project web­site. There you may sub­scribe for fre­quent updates of arti­cles and videos, and news of sem­i­nars and edu­ca­tion­al programs.


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