Comparisons: American Thinker’s Robert Morrison was Not Thinking

Comparisons: American Thinker’s Robert Morrison was Not Thinking

In a May 10th piece on the Amer­i­can Thinker web­site, author Robert Mor­ri­son asserts that a) Pres­i­dent Oba­ma is no Churchill; b) Hitler, who in 1940 was ready “to para­chute 10,000 com­man­dos on Lon­don,” was rather scari­er than Osama bin Laden; c) Oba­ma, who dis­likes Churchill for the tor­ture of his grand­fa­ther in Kenya, “tossed” the bust of Churchill from the Oval Office; and d) “spilt his guts” to the media about the OBL operation.

Quot­ing Churchill’s famous remark that when he became Prime Min­is­ter he felt as if he “were walk­ing with des­tiny,” Mor­ri­son writes: “I want my pres­i­dent to have con­cerns, but not fears. I don’t want him to go on tele­vi­sion and kvetch. I want my pres­i­dent to walk with des­tiny.” Among the com­ments to this arti­cle is one assert­ing that Churchill and Pres­i­dent Wil­son “orches­trat­ed a plan” to get Amer­i­ca into World War I by sink­ing the lin­er Lusi­ta­nia.

Dear oh dear…..

Please, Mr. Morrison…

For writ­ers to offer com­par­isons of today’s politi­cians with Win­ston Churchill is remind­ful of what Churchill said (draw­ing laughs) to the U.S. Con­gress in 1941, just after the Japan­ese had attacked the Unit­ed States at Pearl Har­bor: “They have cer­tain­ly embarked upon a very con­sid­er­able undertaking.”

As report­ed here, Oba­ma actu­al­ly has more Churchilliana than Bush had. And Oba­ma allud­ed favor­ably to Churchill (albeit inac­cu­rate­ly) dur­ing the debate about water­board­ing OBL’s fol­low­ers at Guan­tanamo. Also, Obama’s grand­fa­ther left gaol in Kenya before Churchill returned to pow­er in 1951. And Churchill actu­al­ly expressed sym­pa­thy toward the Kenyan rebels. The details are on this site.

But kvetch­ing and the cur­rent incum­bent aside, you sim­ply don’t para­chute 10,000 com­man­dos on a city, a feat beyond even Hitler’s Luft­waffe. For years  we knew that dur­ing World War I the British shipped arms on pas­sen­ger lin­ers. But Churchill and Wil­son did not set up RMS Lusi­ta­nia to be tor­pe­doed. No, they did not with­drew a naval escort. No they did not order a course that mag­i­cal­ly put the ship in the crosshairs of the U-20. Appar­ent­ly we’re sup­posed to believe they knew where all the U-boats were, too.

The Lusi­ta­nia non­sense was refut­ed years ago by Pro­fes­sor Har­ry Jaf­fa in the book States­man­ship (Durham: Car­oli­na Aca­d­e­m­ic Press, 1981), and fur­ther demol­ished in my book, Win­ston Churchill, Myth and Real­i­ty: What He Actu­al­ly Did and Said.

2 thoughts on “Comparisons: American Thinker’s Robert Morrison was Not Thinking

  1. I am unequipped to com­ment on the A.T.; my inter­est is in accu­ra­cy about Churchill. Like their writer I pre­ferred Reagan’s han­dling of the Achille Lau­ro gang­sters to the recent PR blitz, so I asked a friend who con­tracts with a “firm” in Vir­ginia if he thought Oba­ma had gone over­board. He replied: “It’s great­ly exag­ger­at­ed. Giv­en the nature of my work I can’t go into detail, but sim­ply put, this is a mod­ern war of Infor­ma­tion Oper­a­tions in which their chief weapon is polit­i­cal, so broad­ly trum­pet­ing the death of OBL removes this weapon and one of their pri­ma­ry recruit­ment tools.”

  2. What hap­pened to The Amer­i­can Thinker? It used to run pret­ty sol­id, con­ser­v­a­tive ori­ent­ed thought pieces. It had been a while since I read it, but it appears to have degen­er­at­ed into a dump­ing ground of care­less, crack­pot con­spir­a­cy pieces writ­ten by nonen­ti­ties who couldn’t get pub­lished at any­thing remote­ly resem­bling even main­stream websites.

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