Churchill’s Leadership, Denver 20-21 April 2015

Churchill’s Leadership, Denver 20-21 April 2015

Omni Interlocken Resort, Denver

“Churchill’s True Greatness: Lessons for Today”

Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar Program

This year marks the sev­en­ty-fifth anniver­sary of Churchill becom­ing prime min­is­ter in 1940, and the fifti­eth anniver­sary of his death in 1965. At Den­ver, the Hills­dale Col­lege Nation­al Lead­er­ship Sem­i­nar exam­ined Churchill’s extra­or­di­nary states­man­ship and the lessons that may be drawn from his exam­ple today.

imgresMonday, April 20th

5:30 p.m.: Reception

7:00 p.m.: Dinner

8:00 p.m.: “Why Amer­i­cans Should Remem­ber Churchill,” Charles Krautham­mer, colum­nist and author, Things That Matter.

CK in 2011: “How do you go from Wal­ter Mon­dale to Fox News? The answer is short and sim­ple. I was young once … It is true that I’m a psy­chi­a­trist in remis­sion. Peo­ple ask me the dif­fer­ence [between psy­chi­a­try] and what I do in Wash­ing­ton and the answer is rather sim­ple. In both lines of work I deal every day with peo­ple who have delu­sions of grandeur. The only dif­fer­ence is that here in Wash­ing­ton these delud­ed have access to nuclear weapons.”

Tuesday morning, April 21st

Singer9:30 a.m.: “The Art of Being Win­ston Churchill,” Bar­ry Singer, author, Churchill Style.

10:30 a.m.: “Churchill as a Defend­er of Con­sti­tu­tion­al­ism,” Lar­ry P. Arnn, Pres­i­dent, Hills­dale Col­lege and author, Churchill’s Tri­al (2015).

RosettaEdition12:00 lunch: “Churchill in His Own Words,” Richard M. Lang­worth, Senior Research Fel­low, Hills­dale Col­lege; edi­tor, Churchill By Himself.

Tuesday afternoon

1:30 p.m.: “Lessons from Churchill’s Great Con­tem­po­raries,” James W. Muller, Uni­ver­si­ty of Alas­ka; edi­tor of new edi­tions of Win­ston Churchill’s  Great Con­tem­po­raries, Thoughts and Adven­tures, My Ear­ly Life and The Riv­er War.

RobertsM&C2:30 p.m.: “Churchill and the His­to­ri­ans,” Andrew Roberts, author, Mas­ters and Com­man­ders, Napoleon The Great and Churchill: Walk­ing with Destiny.

2018: “Walk­ing with Des­tiny is a masterpiece—the finest sin­gle Churchill vol­ume you can hope to read. To para­phrase Simon Schama on Gilbert’s vol­umes, it is a ‘Churchilli­ad,’ and Andrew Roberts is its Bard.”

Related reading

The Den­ver sem­i­nar was rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the com­mit­ment to an immor­tal mem­o­ry by Hills­dale Col­lege. Vis­it for fur­ther exam­ples and the links below.

“Churchill Qual­i­ties: Lead­er­ship, Judg­ment, Human­i­ty,” 2017.

“Churchill Now: A Life Worth Con­tem­plat­ing in the Dig­i­tal Age,” 2022.

“D-Day +80: Nation­al Cel­e­bra­tions, Eighty Years On,” 2024.

“If You Can Meet with Tri­umph and Disaster…Charles Krautham­mer 1950-2018,” 2018.

“No Cut­let Uncooked: Andrew Roberts’ Superb Biog­ra­phy,” 2018.

One thought on “Churchill’s Leadership, Denver 20-21 April 2015

  1. Kind­ly for­ward details re. Churchill pro­gram in Den­ver, April. Thanks.

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