Winston Churchill as Motorist: Always in a Hurry

Winston Churchill as Motorist: Always in a Hurry

Q: Was WSC a motorist?

Could you tell me if Win­ston Churchill drove an auto­mo­bile?  I’m inter­est­ed in estab­lish­ing whether the major Sec­ond World War lead­ers could dri­ve a car.  So far, I know only that Franklin Roo­sevelt drove his own Ford at Hyde Park. It had hand con­trols but, he was his own motorist when he need­ed to be.

This may seem an odd line of inves­ti­ga­tion, but I think it might be illu­mi­nat­ing. —P.C., New Hampshire

A: Yes; and sometimes a menace

(Updat­ed from 2011.) He did! I wrote a long-sim­mer­ing arti­cle about Churchill as motorist in 2016. Pub­lished in The Auto­mo­bile, it is linked below: “Blood, Sweat and Gears.”

Churchill owned quite an assort­ment of cars from  Mor­ris­es and Land Rovers to a big Daim­ler giv­en him by his friends in 1932. But most of the time he was driven—virtually always after 1930. Even around his farm­lands at Chartwell, by the “duty Mor­ris” or a Land Rover. Lady Churchill drove until quite late in life; her last car was a Van­den Plas Princess in the 1960s.

A road­side pic­nic next to his 1938 Austin 10. (Wiki­me­dia Commons)

Churchill was a motorist him­self, main­ly in the 1920s. He was a known dan­ger behind the wheel. Always impa­tient for progress, he thought noth­ing of dri­ving up on the side­walk (“pave­ment” in Britain) to get around traf­fic jams.

This occa­sion­al­ly put him in trou­ble with local con­sta­bles, who let him off with a warn­ing when they rec­og­nized him. I have only run into a few pho­tos of him behind the wheel of a Wolse­ley in 1925. I notice the car has a nice ding in its right front fender.

Roo­sevelt too was a scary dri­ver with those dicey hand con­trols, at least when Churchill rode along­side him. The lat­ter wrote that they came pre­car­i­ous­ly close to the cliffs over­look­ing the Hud­son near Hyde Park, in FDR’s Ford V-8, and he was glad when they arrived back at the house.

“Blood, Sweat and Gears”: Churchill as Motorist

1: “Mors the Pity,” 1900s-1920s.

2: “Daim­lers and Austins,” 1930s.

3: “There’s Safe­ty in Hum­bers,” 1940s-1960s.

“Dri­ving Miss Nan­cy: Nipped in the Astor Bar,” 2022.

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