Zionism, Bolshevism, Enemies of Civilization: Churchill’s Words
In a 1920 article, “Zionism Versus Bolshevism,” Churchill noted that many leading Bolsheviks were Jews. He did not, however, write that all Jews were “enemies of civilization.” Quoting Churchill out of context has become a hobby among those determined to find what they expect to find among his 20 million words.
In “Jews in a Whisper” (New York Times Sunday Review), Mr. Roger Cohen argued that “Jews, with their history, cannot become the systematic oppressors of another people.” Fair enough, but we then read: “Winston Churchill, no less, argued in 1920 that Jews were part of a ‘worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development.'”
“Zionism vs. Bolshevism”
This quotation is from Churchill’s article, “Zionism Versus Bolshevism,” in the 8 February 1920 Illustrated Sunday Herald. Some quote it to suggest that Churchill was anti-Semite.

Churchill’s article was an attack on Bolshevism (“a sinister confederacy”) not Zionism, which Churchill mainly (but not always) supported. Churchill mentioned—accurately—that many Bolsheviks were Jews—and also gave a reason: They were people “reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race.” He then named names:
Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxemburg (Germany ), and Emma Goldman (United States)…. this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steady growing…. with the exception of Lenin, the majority of leading figures are Jews.
But context matters:
To quote these lines out of context from the rest of his article is to misrepresent Churchill. He added that figures like Trotsky comprised only a small portion of Jews—which he calls “the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world.”
Similarly to his later indictment of Nazi Germany, Churchill wrote: “Nothing is more wrong than to deny an individual, on account of race or origin, his right to be judged on his personal merits and conduct.” For example, Martin Luther King, Jr. dreamed of judging by those same standards. Above all, Jews in every country, Churchill continued,
identify themselves with that country, enter into its national life. A Jew living in England would say, “I am an Englishman practising the Jewish faith.” This is a worthy conception, and useful in the highest degree. And in our own Army Jewish soldiers have played a most distinguished part, some rising to the command of armies, others winning the Victoria Cross for valour.
Partial quotations taken out of context distort what Churchill wrote and thought. Above all, no one can seriously use his “Zionism Versus Bolshevism” essay to accuse Churchill of anti-Semitism. Writers need to go to the source, and get it right.
Enemies and Extremists
Mr. Cohen also adds a point given him by a London professor:
A century ago, during the Sidney Street siege of 1911, it was the Jews of London’s East End who, cast as Bolsheviks, were said to be “alien extremists.’’
The Sidney Street siege was attended and conducted in part by Churchill, then Home Secretary. I can find no contemporary reports emphasizing at the time that the Sidney Street gang were Jews. Articles mentioned “anarchists” and “Latvians,” though only one had a possible Latvian name. They were indeed Russians and Latvia was a Russian province at that time.
Bibliographic Note
“Zionism Versus Bolshevism” as originally published in 1920 contained some egregious typos and errors. The Collected Essays of Sir Winston Churchill (1975) contains a corrected text. Bibliographer Ronald I. Cohen compared the two texts with the original errors in brackets. A copy is available by email from [email protected].
4 thoughts on “Zionism, Bolshevism, Enemies of Civilization: Churchill’s Words”
I recall a photo of the sixty founding members of the Communist International, or Comintern, among whom foty-two were Jews. As political favor, Stalin placed mostly Jews as the heads of his secret police. As we know, they mass-murdered millions and this led to the Germans being horrified and creating the backlash called Nazism. It also made it difficult for Jews to emigrate into the USA, after its tough anti-communist Immigration Act of 1924. The Zionists were socialists. They set up a Zionist state (nt a Jewish state) based on communes called the Kibbutzim.
Do you really believe the Germans became Nazis in moral outrage over the deeds of Felix Derzhinsky’s Cheka? That’s quite a stretch, as is the idea that because many Bolsheviks were Jews, all Jews are Bolsheviks. Churchill explained: They were people “reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race.” Early Israel may have been socialist, but capitalism has long since prevailed, along with prosperity. —RML
What is “noble” about Leviticus 25:44? Numbers 31:14 -18? Deuteronomy? These authorize slavery and call for murder including baby-killing, child sexual exploitation and genocidal racism. Is “anti-semitism” never the result of Jewish activity?
I am not a Biblical scholar, but every holy book contains passages that enrage people. The obvious answer to your question is ‘no,’ but as Churchill wrote: “Nothing is more wrong than to deny an individual, on account of race or origin, his right to be judged on his personal merits and conduct.” -RML
If you’re going to be a shabbos-goy and defend Bolshevism, you might want to get your facts straight. Namely that Trotsky was not “the only Bolshevik leader who was a Jew.” Nearly every single commander of the Jewish (Bolshevik) army was a Jew. Both Lenin and Stalin were Jews. I don’t think you’ve done enough research to be writing articles.
Try reading what is written. Churchill: “With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading [Bolshevik] figures are Jews.” Me: “Of the three chief Bolshevik leaders, only Trotsky was a Jew.” (Of the other two, one of Lenin’s grandfathers was Sril Moiseyevich (Israel Moses) Blank, who converted to Russian Orthodoxy. Latest research states that Lenin knew nothing of this. Stalin, born Christian, first intended to be an Orthodox priest, a rather odd ambition for a Jew.) I don’t think you’ve done enough research to be sending gratuitous comments to websites. Shabot Shalom. RML
Historians who libel Churchill with the charge of anti-Semitism give the false impression that Jews cannot withstand serious criticism of their own, implying that they are irrationally intolerant of all criticism. Fortunately this is false. We Jews know very well how many dangerous Leftists have meddled in the politics of foreign nations with deplorable and fatal consequences. As a matter of fact, some of them are a grave danger today to Israel itself. However that may be, it is absurd to claim that Churchill was a Jew-hater or that he disliked Jews. It’s as absurd as to claim that he hated Germans because he was determined to eradicate Nazism. All peoples have various powers for doing deeds of good and evil, of justice and injustice, of nobility and baseness. The Enlightenment transformed Judaism in bewildering ways; it created cosmopolitan Leftists and nationalist Zionists. Churchill saw the nobility of the latter and sided with them. He gave his reasons. He knew the impressive power of the Jewish people and admired them. His countless statements against Communism and Socialism explain his stance on those destructive political sects. His seeing the Jews split into two camps enabled him to give invaluable and prudent counsel about how to counter and overcome the dangerous movements of apostate-Jewry. This was an act of friendship, like no other statesman I can think of ever performed, for the benefit of world Jewry and for mankind.
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