Tag: New York Giants

Willie and Monte: Game Called. A New York Kid Remembers

Willie and Monte: Game Called. A New York Kid Remembers

I greeted Monte Irvin at the bar: "Hullo, Number Twenty!" Monte said, "You remember!?" "I yelled hello at you from the outfield stands in the Polo Grounds forty years ago. You hit one out. I rooted for you even more than Twenty-four." (That was Willie). He laughed and said, "Yeah, but he lasted longer." "Maybe so," I said, "but the word was, you got more dates."  Odd how some memories come flooding back. I loved those guys.

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God is a Nats Fan: A Kid from New York Remembers

God is a Nats Fan: A Kid from New York Remembers

“God is a Nats Fan” first appeared in The Amer­i­can Spec­ta­tor on 21 Octo­ber 2019. Scroll down to the com­ments for emails with fel­low fanat­ics as the 2019 World Series unfolds.

Yankee Stadium, 1958

When Wash­ing­ton was in town, the drill was always the same: 15¢ for a bus to the Stat­en Island Fer­ry. A nick­el fer­ry ride and 15¢ more for the BMT to Wood­lawn and Jerome Avenues. As the sub­way erupt­ed into sun­light from the bow­els of the Bronx, this kid wear­ing his navy blue hat with its white “W” would con­front the Citadel of Base­ball, proud and aus­tere with its eagle logos, bristling with pen­nants.…

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