Tag: King Charles I

“Darkest Hour,” the movie: an interview with The Australian

“Darkest Hour,” the movie: an interview with The Australian

For The Australian …

Troy Bram­ston of The Aus­tralian news­pa­per had per­ti­nent ques­tions about the new movie Dark­est Hour, star­ring Gary Old­man as Win­ston Churchill. With the thought that Troy’s queries might be of inter­est, I append the text of the interview.

The Aus­tralian : Of all the things Win­ston Churchill is pur­port­ed to have said and done, the myths and mis­con­cep­tions, which are the most preva­lent and frus­trat­ing for scholars? None of these appear in the film, but there are three things that ran­kle: 1) The lies—that he was anx­ious to use poi­son gas; that he fire­bombed Dres­den in revenge for Coven­try; that he exac­er­bat­ed the Ben­gal famine, etc.…

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Lehrman on Churchill and Lincoln

Lehrman on Churchill and Lincoln

Lewis E. Lehrman, co-founder of the Gilder Lehrman Insti­tute of Amer­i­can His­to­ry, offers a com­pelling two-part com­par­i­son of Abra­ham Lin­coln and Win­ston Churchill at the Hills­dale Col­lege Churchill Project. (To read in entire­ty, start here.)

Mr. Lehrman is author of Lin­coln at Peo­ria: The Turn­ing Point (2008) and Lin­coln “by lit­tles” (2013). Unique­ly among the Lin­coln schol­ars I’ve heard on Churchill, he has as fine a grasp of the Eng­lish states­man as he does the Amer­i­can pres­i­dent. He tells me he regards each as the out­stand­ing fig­ure of his respec­tive cen­tu­ry. No argu­ment there.

1. Lehrman on Preparation for Greatness

Excerpt: Pres­i­dent Lin­coln and Prime Min­is­ter Churchill found them­selves chal­lenged by wars of nation­al sur­vival.…

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