“Too Easy to Be Good”: The Churchill Marriage and Lady Castlerosse
My article, “The Churchill Marriage and Lady Castlerosse” was first published by The American Spectator on 13 March 2018.
“Here Firm, Though All Be Drifting” —WSCIt’s all over the Internet, so it must be true. Not only did Winston Churchill oppose women’s rights, gas tribesmen, starve Indians, firebomb Dresden, nurse anti-Semitism and wish to nuke Moscow. He even cheated on his wife—in a four-year affair with Doris Delevingne, Viscountess Castlerosse.
So declare the authors of “Sir John Colville, Churchillian Networks, and the ‘Castlerosse Affair’”—unreservedly repeated by British television, multiple media, even a university: (“Winston Churchill’s affair revealed by forgotten testimony.”)…