“The State of Churchill Scholarship Today”: San Francisco Presidio, 15Jan22

“The State of Churchill Scholarship Today”: San Francisco Presidio, 15Jan22

At long last we have a meet­ing. Please save the date: Jan­u­ary 15th, 2022 11am to 2:30pm at the Pre­sidio Golf Club in San Francisco.

From Gre­go­ry B. Smith, Chairman
Churchillians by the Bay. Tele­phone: 707 (974) 9324. Email: [email protected]

Our speak­er will be Richard Lang­worth, Senior Fel­low, Hills­dale Col­lege Churchill Project, Writer and His­to­ri­an who will speak on the “State of Churchill Schol­ar­ship Today.”

Please note that to attend you need to do three things:

  1. 1. Send me a check made out to Churchillians by the Bay for $50. Email or phone for address
  2. 2. Tell me your menu choice. The lun­cheon choic­es are Asian Chick­en Sal­ad or the Tuna Niçoise Salad.
  3. 3. Email me a copy of your vac­ci­na­tion cer­tifi­cate or your CA Health Card

Mer­ry Christ­mas and here fol­lows the orig­i­nal announcement:

Please reserve your seat by send­ing me a check for $50 by Jan­u­ary 4th, made out to Churchillians by the Bay and please note which entrée you wish.

Cal­i­for­nia law and the Pre­sidio Golf Club rules require proof of vac­ci­na­tion which I must sub­mit no lat­er than 24 hours pri­or to the event. Pho­to­copies of your vac­ci­na­tion card or even bet­ter, the offi­cial Cal­i­for­nia vac­ci­na­tion record which you can obtain from myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov. Need­less to say, unvac­ci­nat­ed indi­vid­u­als are not invited.

The club is locat­ed at 8 Pre­sidio Ter­race in San Fran­cis­co at the south edge of the Pre­sidio. For a map and direc­tions go to http://tinyurl.com/qhldvtt. Park­ing is free, but you must go into the club and get a park­ing pass for your dash­board. We will have our usu­al social hour from 11am to noon, with lunch fol­lowed by the speaker.

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