Q&A: “Black Dog” — Churchill and Depression

Q&A: “Black Dog” — Churchill and Depression

Q: Depression

What is the truth about Churchill suf­fer­ing from depres­sion, which he referred to as his Black Dog”? —A.L. Kansas

A: More smoke than fire

(Updat­ed from 2009.) Churchill him­self makes a few ear­ly men­tions of depres­sion, call­ing it his “Black Dog.” But the expres­sion is much old­er than he was. It was fre­quent­ly used by Vic­to­ri­an nan­nies, like Churchill’s Mrs. Ever­est, when their charges were in dark moods. One ear­ly ref­er­ence to depres­sion, aka Black Dog, is in Boswell’s Life of John­son.

When it comes to Churchill’s per­son­al char­ac­ter­is­tics it is well to rely on fam­i­ly mem­bers who knew him best. There are many illu­mi­nat­ing ref­er­ences. The best one was by his daugh­ter Lady Soames, who I think had it right:

The Illing­worth car­toon was more depres­sive than the PM, who was bit­ter­ly hurt: “Yes, there’s mal­ice in it. Look at my hands. I have beau­ti­ful hands…. Punch goes every­where. I shall have to retire if this sort of thing goes on.” (Wiki­me­dia Commons)


A lot has been made of depres­sion in his char­ac­ter by psy­chi­a­trists who were nev­er in the same room with him. He him­self talks of his Black Dog, and he did have times of great depres­sion. But in my opin­ion, mar­riage to my moth­er, and lat­er his dis­cov­ery of paint­ing, which was a life­long solace, large­ly ken­nelled the Black Dog.

Of course, if you have a Black Dog, it lurks some­where in your nature and you nev­er quite ban­ish it. But I nev­er saw him dis­armed by depres­sion. I’m not talk­ing about the depres­sion of his much lat­er years, because sure­ly that is a sad fea­ture of old age which afflicts a great many peo­ple who have led a very active life.

Four Faces and the Man

Lady Soames was refer­ring in par­tic­u­lar to psy­chi­a­trist Antho­ny Storr’s chap­ter in Churchill: Four Faces and the Man, in its time a well-cir­cu­lat­ed analy­sis. She believed Storr made far too much of it. She told me once that any­body who was not depressed over some of the events her father went through would not be normal.

From Mary Soames, Win­ston and Clemen­tine: The Per­son­al Let­ters of the Churchills (1998), page 53: WSC to Clemen­tine Churchill, Home Office, 11 July 1911….

Alice [Guest] inter­est­ed me a great deal in her talk about her doc­tor in Ger­many, who com­plete­ly cured her depres­sion. I think this man might be use­ful to me—if my Black Dog returns. He seems quite away from me now. It is such a relief. All the colours came back into the pic­ture. Bright­est of all your dear face—my Darling.

Related reading

“Mary Soames Cen­te­nary 1922-2022: Remem­brance by a Friend,” 2022.

“Lady Soames Diaries,” 2011.

“Churchill Quot­ing Oth­ers: ‘Com­mand the Moment to Remain,'” 2022.

“The Alco­hol Question—Again,” 2011.

“Churchill Drank 42,000 Bot­tles of Cham­pagne?” 2023.

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