Churchill @ Vancouver, 26 July 2015

Churchill @ Vancouver, 26 July 2015


The Churchill Soci­ety of British Colum­bia presents “An Evening with Churchill,” Tues­day 26 July 2016.

Loca­tion: Bar Three, The Van­cou­ver Club, 915 Hast­ings Street West, Van­cou­ver, B.C.

Time: Wine & cheese starts at 5:00 pm, Pro­gram from 5:50 – 7:00 pm.

Cost: $25 each for a mem­ber of the Soci­ety. $35 each for a non-mem­ber. $40 for a mem­ber accom­pa­nied by a spouse, part­ner or fam­i­ly mem­ber. (Includes one tick­et per attendee for a glass of wine or beer, or two soft drinks. Addi­tion­al drinks can be pur­chased from the bar.)         

Dress: Busi­ness attire.

Please inform Admin­is­tra­tor April Acco­la of your atten­dance by email or reg­is­ter online at our web­site.

Guest speak­er: Richard Lang­worth on his book, Churchill and the Avoid­able War: Could World War II have been Prevented?

VancouverThe Topic

World War II was the defin­ing event of our age. It was the cli­mac­tic clash between democ­ra­cy and tyran­ny, lib­er­ty and slav­ery. It killed more peo­ple than any war in his­to­ry. It led to rev­o­lu­tions, reli­gious and sec­tar­i­an strife, the demise of empires and a pro­tract­ed Cold War. Its after­shocks abide in the Mid­dle East and Asia. It influ­enced atti­tudes toward for­eign involve­ment by the Unit­ed States and in a Europe at once unit­ed and dis­unit­ed. Yet Churchill main­tained that it all could have been pre­vent­ed. Our speak­er exam­ines Churchill’s argu­ment: his pre­scrip­tions to pre­vent war. These are con­sid­ered not in ret­ro­spect but at the time—his for­mu­las, his actions, and the degree to which he pur­sued them.


Richard Lang­worth is a Senior Fel­low for the Churchill Project at Hills­dale Col­lege, and founder  of the Inter­na­tion­al Churchill Soci­ety and its quar­ter­ly jour­nal, Finest Hour. He began cov­er­ing Churchill in 1968 when he orga­nized the Churchill Study Unit, which in 1971 became the Inter­na­tion­al Churchill Soci­ety, devot­ed to study­ing the life of Win­ston Churchill. The Soci­ety became inac­tive in 1976. Mr Lang­worth re-found­ed it (1981) and served as pres­i­dent (1988-1999), edi­tor of Finest Hour (1981-2014), and chair­man of its board of trustees (2000-2004). In 1995 the Inter­na­tion­al Churchill Soci­ety became the Churchill Cen­tre. In 1998, Richard was appoint­ed a Com­man­der of the Most Excel­lent Order of the British Empire by HM The Queen “for ser­vices to Anglo-Amer­i­can under­stand­ing and the mem­o­ry of Sir Win­ston Churchill.”

Lang­worth pub­lished the first Amer­i­can edi­tion of Churchill’s India (1990). He also pro­duced A Connoisseur’s Guide to the Books of Sir Win­ston Churchill (1998), Churchill by Him­self (2008), The Defin­i­tive Wit of Win­ston Churchill (2009), The Patriot’s Churchill (2010), All Will Be Well: Good Advice from Win­ston Churchill (2011), Churchill in His Own Words (2012), and Churchill and the Avoid­able War (2015). His next book is Win­ston Churchill, Myth and Reality—What Churchill Stood For: The Case for the Defense. Richard and his wife Bar­bara reside in Moul­ton­bor­ough, New Hamp­shire and Eleuthera, Bahamas.

We look for­ward to see­ing you on July 26. —Ian E. Mar­shall, Secretary

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