Tag: Chartwell Booksellers

Lectures and Book Signings

Lectures and Book Signings

Churchill by Himself


10 May 2010: Toron­to. Annu­al Din­ner, Inter­na­tion­al Churchill Soci­ety of Canada.

11 Sep­tem­ber 2009: Churchill For Today: “Shall We All Com­mit Sui­cide?” and Churchill’s oth­er futur­ist essays: pan­elist and mod­er­a­tor. 26th Inter­na­tion­al Churchill Con­fer­ence, West­in St. Fran­cis Hotel.

7 May 2009, Boston: Eng­lish-Speak­ing Union and New Eng­land Churchillians, Union Club, 6PM.

3 May 2009, Detroit: Win­ston Churchill Soci­ety of Michi­gan, Dear­born Inn, 5:30PM.

2 May 2009, Chica­go:  Churchill Friends of Greater Chica­go, Fair­mont Hotel, 6PM.

30 Novem­ber 2008, Dal­las: “Churchill by Him­self.” North Texas Church­llians, Pap­padeaux Seafood Kitchen. Pre­sen­ta­tion and book signing.

30 Novem­ber 2007, Boston: “Churchill and Ire­land: Notable Pro­nounce­ments on Ire­land, 1901-1948.” New…

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