Year: 2017

Tech Start-Ups: Dan Lyons’ Eye-Opener

Tech Start-Ups: Dan Lyons’ Eye-Opener

Because my son works in Sil­i­con Val­ley, and has start-up expe­ri­ence both as an employ­ee and a founder, I found this book of inter­est and devoured it in three nights. It’s the sto­ry of a jour­nal­ist who, at 52, tries his hand as a tech mar­keter, and is grave­ly shocked and dis­ap­point­ed with the cul­ture he dis­cov­ers in a start-up tech firm with hun­dreds of employ­ees and bazil­lions in ven­ture capital. . Dis­rupt­ed: My Mis­ad­ven­ture in the Start-Up Bub­ble, by Dan Lyons. Hachette Books, $15.16 from Ama­zon, Kin­dle $13.99.  . Tech morphs con­stant­ly; human­i­ty nev­er changes. I book­marked descrip­tions which remind­ed me of peo­ple my son has described—and peo­ple I’ve met in my own career, which is as far away as it gets from the Sil­i­con Val­ley tech world.…

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