

With Churchill Soci­ety board mem­bers at the Library of Par­lia­ment, Ottawa. L-R Pres­i­dent Ronald Cohen, Trea­sur­er Stephen Adler, Richard Lang­worth, Sec­re­tary Ian Smil­lie, Bar­bara Lang­worth, Hon. David Col­lenette, Bob Pla­m­on­don, Kyle McRo­bie, Ambas­sador Chris West­dal, Mem­ber­ship co-chair Pamela Reynolds, Col­in Smith, Ambas­sador Bob Fowler. Absent board mem­bers are Andrew Cohen, Col­in Robert­son and Char­lotte Gray, who were with us at oth­er times on the day. The Library was the sole sur­vivor of a dev­as­tat­ing fire in 1916.

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