

Men with a Theme: Meet­ing with U.S. naval author­i­ties, Admi­ral­ty, Lon­don, May 1942. L-R: Capt. Charles Bak­er USN, First Sea Lord Admi­ral Sir Dud­ley Pound, U.S. Ambas­sador Gil Winant, First Lord of the Admi­ral­ty A.V. Alexan­der, U.S. Naval Forces in Europe Com­man­der Admi­ral H.R. Stark, Win­ston Churchill, Chief of Staff Capt. Ralph Went­worth USN, Capt. H.A. Flani­gan, USN. (Impe­r­i­al War Muse­um, pub­lic domain)

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