

Where’s your glass, Prime Min­is­ter? Stal­in toasts Churchill’s 69th birth­day, Teheran, 30 Novem­ber 1943. (Faces to cam­era: Air Mar­shal Por­tal, Antho­ny Eden, unknown, WSC, Mar­shal Voroshilov, Mar­shal Stal­in, Averell Har­ri­man, inter­preter Pavlov.) WSC wrote: “The Mar­shal and
his col­leagues invari­ably drank their toasts from tiny glass­es, tak­ing only a sip on each occa­sion. I had been well brought up.” (Pho­to by Lt. D.C. Oulds RN, Impe­r­i­al War Muse­um, pub­lic domain)

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