

Churchill’s Eng­land VI tour par­ty with the flag of the Lord War­den of the Cinque Ports, loaned by John Moir of Dover Dis­trict Coun­cil, Walmer Cas­tle, Kent, 16 June 1992. There are many absent friends here, so I want to remem­ber them all. More or less left to right: George and Bar­bara Lewis, Richard Hazlet, Ron Hel­ge­mo, Helen O’Dell, Bar­bara Lang­worth, Ann Hazlet, Mor­gan Lewis, Alan Lauf­man, Don Cohn, Pat Lauf­man, Irene Cohn, John Utz, Bev­er­ly Bonine, Mer­ry Albe­ri­gi, Kath­leen Utz, Bill & Lor­raine Beat­ty, John Smith, Vir­ginia & Norm West, Fen­ton & Mary Cun­ning­ham, Irene Costas, Addy & Brock Com­egys, Mar­i­anne & Karl Almquist, Elliott Costas, Don & Bar­bara Stephens, John David Mar­shall, Dave McCook, Char­lote & Ear­le Nichol­son, Car­ol Rob­son, Gary Bonine. 

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